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How do investors evaluate their risk tolerance?
Time: 2021-06-09

Answer: Risk tolerance is a comprehensive indicator that needs to be measured comprehensively. It is closely related to an individual's asset status, family situation, work situation, etc. The fundamental purpose of evaluating investors' risk tolerance is to better protect their interests.

Individual investors are required to undergo a risk tolerance assessment before purchasing funds through banks, websites, or apps. Ordinary investors fill out risk assessment questionnaires, which cover financial status, investment experience, investment knowledge, investor goals, risk preferences, and other information.

According to the evaluation scores of ordinary investors, they are classified into different risk levels: C1- lowest risk level, C1- conservative, C2- relatively conservative, C3- stable, C4- relatively active, and C5- active.


The following is the level matching table between investors and products:

Investor classification resultsInvestor Grading ResultsRisk level of products or services that can be directly matched
ordinary investors

C1- Minimum Risk Level
C1 conservative type
C2- relatively conservative type
C3 Robust Type
C4- relatively positive type
C5- Positive type

R1- Low risk (and not allowed to purchase or accept products and services of other risk levels)
R1- Low risk
R1- Low risk, R2- Medium low risk
R1- Low Risk, R2- Medium Low Risk, R3- Medium Risk
R1- Low Risk, R2- Medium Low Risk, R3- Medium Risk, R4- Medium High Risk
R1- Low Risk, R2- Medium Low Risk, R3- Medium Risk, R4- Medium High Risk, R5- High Risk
Professional investorsNon segmented ratingR1- Low Risk,
R2- Medium Low Risk,
R3- Medium Risk,
R4- Medium High Risk,
R5- High Risk

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